Bitcoin Wallet – Download, Encrypt, Backup, & Use

This is a step by step guide to using the Bitcoin wallet customer. How to Encrypt is and safeguard your Bitcoin.
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17 thoughts on “Bitcoin Wallet – Download, Encrypt, Backup, & Use”

  1. Maunderingcabal X

    The wallet should be open all the time if you want to regularly use it.
    Otherwise you will have to re-sync and re-download the blockchain every
    time you use it

  2. Benjamin De'Israeli

    Greetings, Have you set up a cold-storage using a system offline that is
    not connected to the internet? If so, How did you get an offline wallet set
    using Bitcoin-QT? Moreover, how can offline storage be done with
    downloading Armory?

    Great Introduction video – By far the best I have come across in my
    research to learn the basics of this Bitcoin game.

  3. My wallet says I have a balance of bitcoins but it also says my wallet is
    (out of sync). At the bottom it has a progress bar and says synchronizing
    with network! It is taking FOREVER to DOWNLOAD!! What does all this MEAN!!
    PLEASE HELP!!!! I am trying to receive a payment of bitcoins I bought a
    while ago!!

  4. I keep having to restart the initial block file download. It gets to 57
    weeks and the problems begin. Sometimes it restarts all over so I have not
    been able to setup my wallet. Trying do download block file updates for 3
    days already.

  5. So, if I have 1 bitcoin in my wallet and I then back up the wallet.dat file
    to a USB and I then spend .5 bitcoin do I have to backup the wallet.dat
    again to the USB?

    I think the answer is NO because the wallet just holds the private key, is
    that correct?

    I have a second question – when you encrypt your wallet are you really just
    encrypting the wallet.dat file? meaning if I use my wallet.dat from my USB
    backup and drop it in to a freshly installed wallet, the new wallet will
    need the same passphrase originally used?

    Thanks for the video!

  6. Just want to make it clear to everybody this type of wallet is not feasible
    if you live in a country with crappy internet low bandwidth allowance which
    is why people still use that have been there since the
    beginning, Although the youtube video is 100% correct this is ultimately
    the most secure method of having your own wallet and empowers you the most.
    Remember you must get into the practice of doing regular backup’s of your
    wallet.dat file and keep your password secure

  7. allan anthony Cheng

    Hello, I really wanna start up but I don’t have Bitcoin-Qt show. Instead
    It’s saying MULTIBIT? is it safe to install?

  8. i’m just wondering something i just made a bit coin wallet, an my back-up
    file is only 64 KB. i see yours is well over 1,000KB why is this? and i’m
    confused on something. lets say i back up now, i have zero bit coin. but i
    go an by 10 bitcoin lets i have to re backup ever time i get bit
    coin? or is that back up just a identifier so they know who i am?

  9. Thanks for the video. I was wondering if you could tell me how to find my
    litecoin from my I cannot find them for the life of me. I
    have checked and blockexplorer and it shows nothing but
    under my transaction, it shows that it sent the litecoins to my litecoin
    address. Thanks ahead!

  10. Hey Maunderingcabal X. That is the wallet, don’t you need any miner so you
    could actually mine through a mining pool with others? Becaus i am using a
    GUIminer and i was looking for a wallet to sync with the miner?:o

  11. I have the Bitcoin-QT wallet, but where do I see what the adress of my
    wallet is so I can let people transfer to me?

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