anxious Lies the Mind – A feature film shot entirely on the iPhone

My Mini Rig
bitcoin blocks
Image by KaR]V[aN
Raspberry Pi along with Raspbian and USB wi-fi. Minning with 3x 300MH/s Block Erupter and one BLF Jalapeño 7GH/s for a 8GH/s total. Actually we received today the Jalapeño so I’m not expecting to make much money due to the fact current difficiulty increasing. As for now, I’ll be glad if I manage to recover the spent money. I’ll wait for the following bubble to sell my bitcoin savings: )

Uneasy Lies the Mind: A feature film shot entirely on the iPhone
" tresses, dirt, and oil through my hands would usually get stuck on these types of focusing screens. I totally welcomed these textured defects and chose not… because would be expected, though, the iPhone rig was also very easy to move around the set, and to make use of…
Read more on Gizmag

Havasu' s heating up for report redears
My current conversation with Frank Byrzicki included our never-ending enthusiasm to find jumbo smallmouth and huge bluegills. I have written a number of columns as to how I' ve stumbled upon… I' empieza managed to coax the local seafood to the hook buy using a…
Read more on Chicago Daily Herald

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