The Bitcoin Group #21 (Live) – Two Bit Withdraws – BTC Foundation Expands – Nobody Likes Banks – Mt.

The Bitcoin Group #21 (Live) - Two Bit Withdraws - BTC Foundation Expands - Nobody Likes Banks - Mt.

The Bitcoin Group #21 (Live) – Two Bit Withdraws – BTC Foundation Expands – Nobody Likes Banks – Mt.
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Bitcoin may be too much for puny minds to comprehend; luckily the training video explains all. More CONAN @ Team Coco is the offici…

24 thoughts on “The Bitcoin Group #21 (Live) – Two Bit Withdraws – BTC Foundation Expands – Nobody Likes Banks – Mt.”

  1. I have a prediction.
    I predict that when the exchange traded funds that will trade bitcoins on
    the stock market become available, it won’t cause a big boost in the
    bitcoin price. Goldmach Sachs, JP Morgan and their ilk are well known for
    dumping money into short positions on precious metals, just to push the
    price down. It’s almost certain that they’ll do the same with bitcoin
    whenever they can. So for every share of these ETF’s that end up in a
    brokerage, we’ll see that share sold back to the exhange as a short,
    pushing the market price down. Fortunatley that won’t affect the actual
    bitcoin exchanges too much since there’s no way they can create bitcoin out
    of nothing in order to sell it on the market, so only the bitcoins that are
    held by wallstreet can be shorted. So we may have a while yet to accumulate
    more bitcoins before the price really starts to climb.

  2. Joerockhed joe rockhed

    My insignificant prediction?
    Little things will continue to happen week after week after week, to keep
    the price from going up to where it should be,.. The Mad Bitcoin Index!
    And eventually we will find out that somehow the big banskters were behind
    ALL OF IT! With help mostly from the US gov, and its sleazy organizations,.
    the CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, and all other players in the Military Industrial

  3. Joerockhed joe rockhed

    My one word of advice? Do NOT allow any government to the bitcoin party!
    Particularly the US government! Bit coin is the American Indian of
    currency! The gov will break EVERY promise, EVERY agreement,. EVERY treaty!
    They have an uncanny ability to turn solid gold into A TURD! … overnight!
    Especially in the last 30 years or so.

  4. dammit i thought MK was going to play us a song with that guitar in the
    background…next time

  5. Suggestion for the predictions segment: Instead of putting the panelists on
    the spot (Andreas usually disappears during this segment), give the
    panelists an option such as: A prediction OR parting shots (as I’ve seen
    utilized on another talk show). If a panelist chooses to provide a parting
    shot & all others a prediction, perhaps you could give the one w/o the
    prediction another chance at giving one after hearing the others & having
    time to think.
    I know you, Thomas, always have a prepared prediction to read which is
    great, but it seems all the others don’t have this prepared or at least
    feel uninterested or too pressured into giving a prediction.

  6. Thoroughly enjoy The Bitcoin Group. I also am interested in what William
    Mook has to say about Bitcoin. in his Youtube posting called “The Meaning
    of Bitcoin” where he says in reply comments, that he is looking into the
    blockchain to see the repercussions of Mt Gox and speaks of Bitcoin in
    terms of 500 years from now. Would you consider inviting him, William
    Mook, ( a real rocket scientist by the way) to join your group for at least
    one episode. He is working in new Zealand on energy issues right now.

  7. Issue 1: The Bitcoin Group #21 is noticeably shorter than the last few
    episodes. Granted key contributers such as Andreas & Chris J Ellis are
    absent among others.
    I ask you… Thomas Hunt…Where are these key contributers? As well as
    Davi & Derrick J? Note: Read above in Thomas’ “announcer voice”! :)

  8. Simple answer: Bitcoin is money, it’s a currency like dollars or euros or
    yen, but unlike those there’s a finite supply, so it’s like gold coins, but
    So yeah, it’s digital gold coins.

  9. God I love Conan as well as Bitcoin. This was funny, however, you guys
    should known that Bitcoin has no COO or any other C-level executives.
    Decentralized means no one owns it as an entity. It’s actually quite
    simple, you can ask questions if you want.

  10. Poor satire. I like Conan and think BitCoin is a joke but this was totally
    the wrong angle to approach it from.

  11. explain what in the earth are illuminati and fress masonry symbols doing in
    this video..i want the explanation now

  12. Conan, I really enjoy your show.
    However, since you are not able to play a simple video game, what are the
    chances of you ever understanding Bitcoin?

  13. Arthur van der Wal

    It’s funny that when ‘big media’ spend negative time on this, in the end
    the tech will rise and prove them wrong. Suck my bitcoins haters!

  14. It money that cant be tracked and does not belong to any nation it used by
    drug lords for online transactions


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