How Blockchain Technology Works | Follow My vote

How Blockchain Technology Works | Follow My vote

Nathan Hourt, CTO of Follow My Vote explains how blockchain technology functions in its most basic form.

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19 thoughts on “How Blockchain Technology Works | Follow My vote”

  1. How far off are we to launching the ios/android voting app?
    We could start local, voting on small local issues to begin say, what day of the week would you like the trash collected? How should local funds be spent? It would boost civic engagement and meet people where their attention is (glued to smartphones!)

  2. Very clear and concise explanation!
    My only other question is how are the transactions stored? Wouldnt the blockchain get unimaginably huge? If a new node comes in and does not have enough space to store blocks what happens?

  3. This is the first video where I feel like I have a grasp of what actually happens with blockchain technology. You do a great job. I'd like to understand more about how the transaction pool is converted to a block.

  4. Nathan, that was a great video, kudos! I am trying to understand better the concept of blockchain so if you could answer a couple of questions that would be awesome:

    1: How many transactions is one block, is it static, based on the amount of transactions or some other variable?
    2: Does every node actually keep all the database of the transactions, the whole blockchain, no issues with scalability with that?

    And again, that was a great video :)

  5. Great Explanation!!! I have some questions,
    How the new transactions will be added?
    How the other nodes will be agree that the new block is authorized?
    What software and hardware required to build new application from seller-> transport -> customer (Like Amazon)

  6. Amazing job, thank you Nathan. My only question is how are you able to identify the Voter/transactions/payment/operation originator for the first time?

  7. Hey Nathan this is great. So you said that if some one tampers with the data, the cryptography signs become invalid. so now what happens to the data ? is it locked or what ?…(Eg) You are the Genesys node and i am the first node who joins you (say i have 20 transactions data) so i add it on as 2 nodes (10 each).. i myself tamper it (Hypothetically) so now can i not use the nodes at all?

  8. Is a blockchain a single maker and milion checkers?I reallly did not understand how the check process happen. anr would like to know. tks

  9. Thank you Nathan, I am totally unfamiliar with the subject but have a question: can a transaction on the Blockchain be generated by a smartphone or any other type of mobile device ? And what are the consequences in terms of integration as well as update of the decentralised database ?

  10. good job! Well done! Ready for more……what's your interest<?> block chains for secure voting?

  11. Hey, thanks for that video! The first one I saw that explained the underlying structure of Blockchains in an understandable way. I do have question, though:
    You said, when a pool of TIXs is accumulating, a new block is formed. How exactly does that work? Or rather, who initiates this block forming? And also, how can the security of those transactions be warranted, when that happens through the signature which only gets applied when the block is formed? Or is there a working signature?
    Thanks again for the insight. Also: your voice is amazing! :D

  12. Sripathi Srinivasan

    Thanks for your explanation. I still have some doubts.
    1. Why is it necessary to have multiple blocks of transactions instead of having one single block containing all transactions which is digitally signed?
    2. What is the limit to the number of transactions in each block? Is it based on the number of transactions or storage limit?
    3. Can any node create a block?

  13. Thanks for posting this. A great explanation. This might be a very basic question, but these nodes on the network, the ones that are storing the replica of the database and updating to reflect each transaction in the 'network' – are these servers, devices, or what? Could they nodes even be on the routers that build that actual 'network' upon which the transactions travel? I'm assuming servers but am wondering about how large the database will eventually become when you start tracking every global financial transaction, or every global supply chain interaction, etc. I know that storage is cheap, but is there a limit when it seems to me that we are relying on a very fast query to check each transaction is valid so that we don't disrupt the whole process. Or is this really a non-issue?

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